Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Sad State of the World

In class the other day we were talking about genocides, I know a really happy topic, and it got me thinking. Thinking about how much people hate other people. Some people are willing to give anything to prove they are better than others. Instead of embracing people of different ethnicity's our society tends to make them seem inferior to us. Everyone seems to be in this fight against each other, to prove that they are better than everyone else.
Why does it have to be this way? Why can't people just except people for who, and what they are? I know this sounds kind of cheesy, but it's the truth. If we worried less about being better than everyone else, and just worried about improving the world as a whole think of all the things we could accomplish! I honestly think that we have the potential to change the world in such a positive way, and that is my hope for future generations. I hope that some day no one has to worry about being slammed for who they are.
Even in the adoption system race is a deciding factor! You may, or may not know that my family is trying to adopt another little boy. As if six kids aren't enough! His case worker told us that another African American family was interested in adopting him, and because he was half black they were thinking about putting him there. It is my firm belief that race is only an issue because we make it one. Who knows, maybe one day these things won't be an issue, but it is going to take a long time, and a lot of work.